Hmong there is still a little differences from Chingmai Hmong.
The photographer on the top of the Phu Shi Pha is a Hmong man, who has a small canon printer ready to take photos of tourists and develop each for 50 baths.
He learns a little thing of how to use the printer and handle digital camera, and yes he can make quite a sum of money in a day.
At the parking area is a space for ladies to earn their livelihood. No men are salesman. They all sell the same things which are instant noodles, tea and coffee. There is only one lady that sell different things: small squatters, cloth tortoises and Hmong dresses and communist caps. I was interested in her. She is Yee Yaj or Rapee Yaj.

Learning from another lady that the reason why they sell most only those things beacuse of other things like fruits are not permitted to sell there, just as tourists usually throw fruit's peel at the area. With the fault of the tourist indeed that make them cannot earn a little more money.

Half of the mountain is the place of the girls who offer "their lovely costume" for foreigners by photography posting. I ask why they want money. The KG kid tells me "for education". They only come on the weekend, so the tourists that come on the weekdays will certainly miss the kids.
In Chinagmai, I found that more markets and more tourist spots that the Chinagmai Hmong has more spaces to earn, though it does mean that they are richer.